Kitchen cabinet painting company in Long Grove Illinois

Five Common Mistakes to Avoid When Painting Your Kitchen Cabinets: Insights from Kitchen Cabinet Painting Pros in Long Grove, Illinois

Painting your kitchen cabinets on your own is a great way to give your kitchen a facelift, save money, and show off your DIY skills. It can be tempting for homeowners to throw caution to the wind, grab some brushes, and start painting — but there are some important things you should consider before you get started. To that end, this kitchen cabinet painting company in Long Grove, Illinois is going to explain five of the most common mistakes to avoid during the process.

Having Unrealistic Expectations

It is important to have realistic expectations when painting your kitchen cabinets. If your expectations are too high, you may become disappointed with the finished product and end up throwing a lot of money away.

As the top-rated kitchen cabinet painting company in Long Grove, Illinois, we have seen it all over the years. With that said, here are some unrealistic expectations that homeowners may want to avoid:

  • Wanting a perfect paint job right out of the can: You might need more than one coat or additional detail work. You should be aware that some cabinets will still show signs of wear no matter what you do.
  • Wanting all cabinet doors and surfaces painted: The time it takes and the cost for these types of jobs can add up very quickly, depending on the size of your kitchen space. Some surfaces may also not need any paint at all, like metal handles or aluminum inlay.
  • Expecting perfection after just two coats of paint: Generally speaking, two coats is not enough if you want a quality finish. For best results, we recommend three-to-four coats at least, depending on your original color and the type of primer used before painting.
  • Expecting an expert painter’s touch: Anyone who has ever tried their hand at painting knows how difficult it can be, so don’t expect perfection if you have not been doing this long. It’s always best to partner with a professional kitchen cabinet painting company in Long Grove, Illinois for professional results.

Not Giving It Enough Time

Think that painting kitchen cabinets in one day is realistic? Think again. Even with a simple color like black, it can take hours for things to dry, and you will spend most of your time wiping away overspray and dust. Meanwhile, every stroke of paint you do while they are wet makes it difficult to get a smooth finish or proper coverage. Spend at least two days on the project — a tight timeline, but one that will pay off by preventing mistakes from taking hold and messing up your newly updated cabinets.

Not Cleaning the Wood

Cleaning the wood before painting is vital. Dirt and grime can greatly diminish the sheen and luster of paint, no matter how expensive. It is necessary for achieving an even coat of paint and will make cleaning up afterward much easier.

Your kitchen cabinet painting company in Long Grove, Illinois may recommend choosing a water-based cleanser instead of abrasive products like steel wool or harsh chemicals. Water-based cleaners are gentler on surfaces, so there is less risk of damaging the wood over time — assuming you apply them correctly. Use sparing amounts, avoiding joints where wood pieces meet and edges.

Not Removing Hardware

Door and drawer hardware is often left on doors and drawers during cabinet painting because removing, cleaning, and reinstalling everything is a long process. But it is much easier to paint if you remove the hardware before painting.

Not Using Primer

The biggest mistake people make when painting kitchen cabinets is not using primer. The primer will seal the wood and create a surface so the paint can adhere and last. Without it, you risk uneven coverage and chipping paint because of dryness or brushing on too much paint, creating drips that don’t blend with the color underneath.

Final Thoughts

Painting kitchen cabinets in your Long Grove home can be an easy and relatively inexpensive way to refresh the look of your kitchen and give it a new lease on life. Be sure to avoid these common kitchen cabinet painting mistakes to get the best results without wasting extra money or time on the project.

Looking for a Kitchen Cabinet Painting Company in Long Grove, Illinois?

As you can tell, painting your kitchen cabinets is a time-consuming task. Are you ready to partner with the professionals? If so, Prime Time Painting, Inc. is the company to call. As the most trusted kitchen cabinet painting company in Long Grove, Illinois, we are well-versed in all the painting industry’s best practices, and our work doesn’t stop until you are 100% satisfied with the results. Contact us today to request a free estimate.