Kitchen cabinet painting company in Sugar Grove Illinois

Should You Paint Your Kitchen Cabinets Yourself or Hire a Professional? Insights from Kitchen Cabinet Painting Professionals in Sugar Grove, Illinois

Are you tired of your aging, outdated or worn-out kitchen cabinets? You could invest in new cabinets. The only issue with this could be the cost. Fortunately, there are other alternatives — such as painting your kitchen cabinets.

A fresh coat of paint allows you to transform your kitchen cabinets from drab to fab without spending a fortune. Whether you like the aesthetic of a clean and contemporary white kitchen, or you want to add new life to your kitchen with a dash of color, cabinet painting can bring your vision to life.

Below, this kitchen cabinet painting company in Sugar Grove, Illinois is going to help you decide whether you should paint your kitchen cabinets yourself, or hire the professionals.

Is DIY cabinet painting easy?

While painting is the easiest and most cost-effective approach to update the look of your kitchen cabinets, it is not an easy task to complete on your own. Like many other home improvement projects, painting your cabinets needs thorough preparation.

Unfortunately, you cannot simply spray a coat of paint on your kitchen cabinets and expect Pinterest-worthy results. However, if you take your time, follow the recommended steps, and invest in high-quality painting supplies, you might just be able to transform your cabinets on a shoestring budget.

Here are some tips from the top-rated kitchen cabinet painting company in Sugar Grove, Illinois on how to paint your cabinets yourself:

  1. Start by removing the drawers and doors, as well as the latches, pulls, knobs, and other hardware.
  2. Clean the cabinets to get rid of all the gunk and grime accumulated over the years.
  3. Sand the cabinets to roughen the surface so that the primer and paint can adequately bond to the surface.
  4. Apply an even coat of primer-sealer to prevent the stain or old color from penetrating.
  5. Use a roller to paint flat surfaces and a flat brush for edges and detailing.

Common DIY cabinet painting mistakes

If you do not hire a professional kitchen cabinet painting company in Sugar Grove, Illinois, and if you skip or rush any of the steps mentioned above, you’ll leave yourself exposed to mistakes and a less-than-stellar finish. For example, if you do not sand your kitchen cabinets, the paint may peel and/or chip. And if you do not clean your cabinets before sanding, all the gunk and grime will go deeper into the wood. The dirt will keep the paint from bonding to the surface properly, making your cabinets more susceptible to peeling and chipping.

In some situations, you may be able to get away without priming. However, if you are not sure, it is best to prime your kitchen cabinets. Doing so will prevent the original paint color from showing through and help conceal stains. Furthermore, priming helps the paint bond to the surface properly, resulting in a better-looking and longer-lasting finish.

Looking for the Best Kitchen Cabinet Painting Company in Sugar Grove, Illinois?

Taking on a kitchen cabinet painting project on your own may sound tempting. However, most homeowners do not get the desired results with a DIY job. On the other hand, an experienced kitchen cabinet painting company in Sugar Grove, Illinois can deliver the results you’re looking for. Professionals have access to commercial-grade painting supplies that you are not going to find on the shelves of your local hardware store. These supplies produce flawless results that can be very difficult to achieve on your own.

So, while hiring a professional kitchen cabinet painting company costs more upfront than doing it yourself, you will get better, longer lasting results that can save you money in the long run.

Are you looking to hire the best kitchen cabinet painting company in Sugar Grove, Illinois? If so, Prime Time Painting is the company to call. Contact us today to request a free estimate.